Am I Unworthy?

Rajiv Vaishnav
5 min readMay 9, 2021


It is one of the crimes that has been committed against everybody everywhere in human society: you have been continuously conditioned and told that YOU ARE UNWORTHY.

Because of this conditioning, the major part of humanity has given up even desiring any adventure, any pilgimage to the stars — they are so convinced of their unworthiness. Their parents were telling them, “You are unworthy.” Their teachers were telling them, “You are unworthy.” Their priests were telling them, “You are unworthy.” Everybody was forcing the idea on them that they were unworthy. Naturally they accepted the idea.

And once you accept the idea of unworthiness, you naturally close. You cannot believe that you have wings, that the whole sky is yours, that you have just to open your wings and the sky is going to be yours, with all its stars.

And it is not a question that somewhere you have forgotten to open one door. You don’t have any doors, you don’t have any walls. This unworthiness is simply a concept, an idea. You have become hypnotized by the idea.

Since the very beginning, all cultures, all societies have been using hypnotism to destroy individuals — their freedom, their uniqueness, their genius — because the vested interests are not in need of geniuses, not in need of unique individuals, not in need of people who love freedom. They are in need of slaves. And the only psychological way to create slaves is to condition your mind that you are unworthy, that you don’t deserve; that you don’t even deserve whatever you have, you should not go for anything more. Already you owe too much for things which you are not worthy of.

And hypnotism is a simple process of continuous repetition. Just go on repeating a certain idea and it starts settling inside you, and it becomes a thick wall, invisible — there are no doors, no windows. There is no wall either. It is simply a conditioning that you are unworthy.

Nobody is unworthy.

Existence does not produce people who are unworthy. Existence is not unintelligent. If existence produces so many unworthy people, then the whole responsibility goes to existence. Then it can be definitely concluded that existence is not intelligent, that there is no intelligence behind it, that it is an unintelligent, accidental materialist phenomenon and there is no consciousness in it.

And this is our whole fight, our whole struggle: to prove that existence is intelligent, that existence is immensely conscious.

It is the same existence which creates Gautam Buddhas.

It cannot create unworthy people.

You are not unworthy.

So there is no question of finding a door; there is only an understanding that unworthiness is a false idea imposed on you by those who want you to be a slave for your whole life. You can drop it just right now.

Existence gives the same sun to you as to Gautam Buddha, the same moon as to Zarathustra, the same wind as to Mahavira, the same rain as to Jesus — it makes no difference, it has no idea of discrimination. For existence, Gautam Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Bodhidharma, Kabir, Nanak or YOU are just the same.

The only difference is that Gautam Buddha did not accept the idea of being unworthy, he rejected the idea. It was easy for him to reject it — he was the prince of a great kingdom, the only son of the king, and the king was thought to be almost a god. So he had no idea of unworthiness.

But what about Kabir the weaver? What about Raidas the shoemaker? What about Gora the potter?

These poor people were burdened by the society with the idea that they were unworthy, but they rejected it.

In Kabir’s life there were clear cut examples. Kabir lived his whole life in Kashi. For centuries Hindus have believed that to die in Kashi is the greatest thing you can do in life, because for one who dies in Kashi, his paradise is guaranteed. It does not matter what kind of man he was, whether he was a murderer, a thief, a saint or a sinner — these things are all irrelevant. His dying in Kashi erases everything and he becomes qualified for paradise.

So in Kashi you will find old people, old women who have come there just to die. They have not done anything in their life, but they don’t want to miss paradise.

And Kabir lived his whole life in Kashi, and when he was going to die he said, “Take me out of Kashi to the other side, to the small village.” Just on the other side of the Ganges was a small village.

His disciples said, “Are you mad or something? People come to Kashi, the whole of Kashi is full of people who have come here to die. You have lived your whole life in Kashi, what kind of nonsense is this? And the village you are pointing to is a condemned village; people say whoever dies there is born again as a donkey.”

But Kabir said, “I will go to that village, and I will die in that village. I want to enter paradise on my own worth, not because of Kashi. And I know my worth.”

They had to take him. Against their will they had to take him to the other side, and he died there.

This man is so certain of his worth.

He said, “If existence accepts me, if existence gives me life, that is enough to prove that I am needed, that existence cannot do without me.”

So drop the idea of unworthiness, it is simply an idea. And with the dropping of it, you are under the sky — there is no question of doors, everything is open, all directions are open. That you are enough to prove that existence needs you, loves you, nourishes you, respects you.

The idea of unworthiness is created by the social parasites. Drop that idea. And be grateful to existence — because it only creates people who are worthy, it never creates anything which is worthless. It only creates people who are needed.

My emphasis is that every person should respect himself and feel grateful to existence that he has been required to be here at this juncture of time and space.

Osho: Beyond Enlightenment Chapter #31 Chapter title: Discarding the container, discovering the content Q 2 (Excerpts)

झुक कर सलाम करने में क्या हर्ज है मगर
सर इतना मत झुकाओ कि दस्तार गिर पड़े ……………..इक़बाल अज़ीम

jhuk kar salām karne meñ kyā harj hai magar
sar itnā mat jhukāo ki dastār gir paḌe ………………..IQBAL AZEEM

There is no issue in bowing down to salute
but do not lean so much that the turban falls.

Music Director Madan Mohan’s classic romantic song from “Anpadh (1961) sung by Lata Mangeshkar…..Enjoy.



Rajiv Vaishnav
Rajiv Vaishnav

Written by Rajiv Vaishnav

Startup evangelist, mentor, investor

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