I don’t go out.
It was a beautiful morning. The sun was beaming through the clouds spreading its golden rays. Misty fragrance of dancing flowers made the slow flowing breeze more enchanting, dewdrops were still glittering on the lotus leaves …the dawn was slowly yawning and stretching into a lovely morning.
People of that town had woken up to welcome this new day and started their morning activities. Ladies of the town were cleaning their homes and foreyards, goats were moving in the streets browsing alongside the road, and kids who woke up early had come out of their homes to play with their friends. Cycle rickshaws were bringing in passengers from the station. Newspaper vendors were hard at work and people were herding around tea stalls. Yes, it was a very beautiful morning.
A renowned sage was going with his disciples to perform puja in the temple on the hilltop. There was a classy mansion of a very beautiful and infamous dancer on his way. She had just had her bath and was combing her hair in the balcony. Sun rays were caressing her face and her sparkling beauty was glowing with water droplets falling from her hair shining like glittering pearls.
The sage was passing by and accidentally looked up at her. He was awestruck. Stranded. Couldn’t move. Kept on gazing at her…..many moments passed….passer-bys were shocked to see this renowned sage staring at this infamous dancer….it was very embarrassing and uncomfortable for all his disciples, people standing by as well as the dancer herself.
She leaned over the balcony and addressed the sage in her loud sarcastic style. She said,
“हुस्न को जो बद नज़र देखते हैं, वो अपना सर कलम देखते हैं ।”
(“Husn ko jo bad nazar dekhte hain, wo apana sar kalam dekhte hain.” — those who see beauty with bad intent, would see that they are beheaded)
The sage laughed out loud and replied –
“ना तेरे रूप की गरज़ है, ना तेरे हुस्न की ज़रुरत;
हम तो अपने मुस्सवर की कलम देखते हैँ। ……..गर तू इतनी सुन्दर है तो तेरा बनानेवाला कितना सुन्दर होगा !!?”
(Na tere roop ki garaz hai, na tere husn ki zaroorat, hum to apane mussavar ki kalam dekhte hain. — gar tu itni sundar hai to tera bananewala kitna khubsoorat hoga.”) —
“I am not attracted by your body nor enchanted by your beauty. Through you I am seeing your creator that if you are so beautiful, how much more awesome would your creator be!!?”
A question was asked to Osho:
THERE IS NOWHERE TO GO NOW. All going has stopped — because the one who used to go has disappeared. Wherever I am, I am here and now. My room is as perfect as any other place anywhere, so what is the point of going anywhere? It is pointless. You go on searching, you go on going: sometimes to the club, sometimes to the movie, sometimes to the hotel, sometimes here, sometimes there. You go on continuously, because wherever you are you are not content. Wherever you are, you feel you must be missing something which must be happening somewhere else.
I am taking you to yourself.
You have gone far away from yourself. Perhaps you have completely forgotten the way back. I am persuading you that unless you discover your home, you will remain miserable.
Don’t go anywhere– just stop going.
If the energy is not moving towards objects and goals, the energy starts turning upon itself. That can be called enlightenment, samadhi, sambodhi, awakening.
You always want to go somewhere. People are running all over the world, from Kaaba to Manali, from Manali to Kathmandu, from Kathmandu to Goa, from Goa to Bombay. They are just running, hoping that somehow they will reach. Where they want to reach they don’t know. Whether there is any need to reach anywhere they don’t know. Whether there is any place they can reach, they don’t know.
I say to you, there is no place for you to reach.
You are already born in that place, in that space.
My whole effort is somehow to convince you– not with my words but with my silence and presence, with my love and with my joy — that you are at the very center of the universe, every one of you– because there is only one center. Only on the periphery are we separate; at the center we are one.
And only at the center, the blossoming of your being happens.
But people are going in all directions, doing all kinds of things. It is really hilarious how much energy is spent.…. I am utterly empty. If there is any truth in my words, that truth comes out of my emptiness. It does not belong to me, I am just a passage. I allow existence to connect with you– and it is possible only if I am absolutely empty.
{I am reminded of this amazing scene from the film ‘Ye Jawani Hai Deewani’ sun set scene…have a look — Sunset Romantic Scene ft. Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika ….. From Yeah Jawani h Deewani — YouTube }
It happened:
Rabiya El Adaviya was sitting in her room meditating, praying. Another mystic, Hassan, was staying with her. He came out, it was early morning, the sun was just on the horizon. It was beautiful. It was musical. It was magical. And he called out loudly:
“Rabiya, why don’t you come out?! God has created a beautiful dawn.”
And Rabiya laughed and said, “Hassan, when will you become mature? Come in! rather than calling me out. The dawn is beautiful, but here inside I am facing the Creator of the dawn.”
Right, Rabiya is right: the outside is beautiful, but nothing to be compared with the inside. Once you have an inside view of things, who bothers about the outside? The outside is beautiful, nothing is wrong in it, but if you go on moving from one place to another and never come home you will remain in misery.
I don’t go, not because it is a decision on my part: for the last twenty-two or three years I have not decided anything. The day I died, 21st March 1953** decision also died. (**On 21st March, 1953, Osho became enlightened under a molshree tree in Jabalpur.) I am not there, so who is to decide? So whatsoever happens, happens — and it is tremendously beautiful. More cannot be expected. It is more than man can ever desire.
Eighty-six year old Harry Hershfield was accosted by a prostitute outside the Lambs Club. Harry told her: “There are three reasons why I can’t go with you. First, I have no money — “
The lady interrupted, “Then the other two reasons don’t matter.
I have also three reasons why I don’t go out. The first is: I AM NOT — and the other two do not matter.
Osho: The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 3 Chapter #6 Chapter title: When Two Zeros Meet Q 4 (Exceprts)
Osho: Sermons in Stones: CHAPTER 15. CANCEL YOUR TICKET, THERE’S NOWHERE TO GO! Q 5 (Excerpts)
ख़ूब-सूरत न हो कोई तो न हो बदनामी
सच तो ये है कि बुरा होता है अच्छा होना
Khub-surat na ho koi to na ho badnami
sach to ye hai ki bura hota hai achcha hona.
One is infamous because of the beauty
the truth is its unfair to be fair
A new year is like a new canvas in our lives. May you find success, health, well-being, prosperity, happiness and everything that your heart desires. Wishing you and your loved ones a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022.
Though it’s a romantic song but मुहब्बत — Muhabbat (Love) and इबादत — Ibadat (Prayer) are not just phonetically similar sounding words. This song from “Rab Ne Bana di Jodi” (2008) is about the lover seeing reflection of Almighty in his beloved.