This is his problem

Rajiv Vaishnav
8 min readJan 3, 2021




I was reading a story.

Two psychiatrists lived in the same building. Every evening they would come back from their offices and they often rode on the same elevator together.

The elevator man was very much intrigued by one thing that happened again and again. The first psychiatrist, as he got out of the elevator, would invariably turn back and spit on the other psychiatrist.

The other would smile, calmly take his handkerchief out of his pocket and wipe his face, or the tie, or the coat. Sometimes the elevator man even heard that he would chuckle to himself.

He got more and more curious. One day he could not contain himself. As he was closing the door on the first psychiatrist he asked, “For heaven’s sake, doctor, tell me why your colleague goes on doing this to you.”

The other psychiatrist laughed and said, “Oh, I don’t know. This is his problem. How can I know? But why should be bothered? Poor man, that is HIS problem.”

Somebody spitting on your face…. Really, it is his problem; it has nothing to do with you. But you make it your problem. Then you are disturbed, then you are worried, then you start thinking of how to take revenge.

Can you see the point of the story? The meaning depends on you, the interpretation is yours. Even when somebody is spitting on your face you can laugh, you can smile — you can even feel compassion for the poor man. He must be having a great problem, otherwise why?

A parable is just a seed given to you. How to uncover it, when to uncover it, will depend on you and your moods. Sometimes it happens that you may hear something today and you may not understand it. Years will pass and then suddenly one day you have understood it. Years have passed. What has happened in those years? You have changed. You have become more mature; you have gained more experience. You are no longer the same. The parable is the same, but you are no longer the same. Every moment you are changing, and a changed you will find a different meaning in the same parable.

(Osho: Come Follow To You, Vol 2 Chapter #7 Chapter title: He that heareth the word — excerpts)

If you are, you remain the same. If you are not, then you are immediately changed. If you are not, then anybody can pull you, push you; then anybody can push your buttons and change you. Then you are a slave, then you are not a master. Your mastery begins when whatsoever happens outside does not change you; your inner climate remains the same.

Whether somebody loves you or hates you, it is his or her problem. If you are, if you have understood your being, you remain in tune with yourself. Nobody can disturb your inner harmony. If somebody loves, good; if somebody hates, good. Both remain somewhere outside you. This is what we call mastery. This is what we call crystallization — becoming free of impressions, influences.

Have you not watched it? that when you are angry, you are simply angry. It is not that your anger is addressed to somebody. That ‘somebody’ is nothing but an excuse. Angry, you come home from the office; you jump on your wife. Angry, you go from your home; you are angry in the office with the peon, with the clerk, with this and that. If you analyze your states of mind, you will come to see that they belong to you. You live in your own world, but you go on projecting it on others.

When you are angry, YOU are angry — not at me. When you are full of hate, YOU are full of hate — not at me. When you are full of love, YOU are full of love — not at me. Once you understand it, you remain like a lotus leaf in the world. You remain in the water but the water does not touch; it touches you not. You remain in the world and yet aloof, not of it.

Then nobody can disturb your silence, and nobody can distract you. Your compassion goes on flowing. If you love me, you receive my compassion. If you hate me, you will not receive my compassion — not because I will not give to you. I will be continuously giving to you, as much as I give to those who love me, but you will be closed and you will not receive it.

Once being is attained, one is compassion, unconditional compassion. Not that in some moments he becomes compassionate and some moments he is not compassionate.

Compassion then is his natural climate, compassion is his permanent mood, compassion is his integrated being. Then whatsoever you do, his compassion goes on showering on you. But there are moments when you will receive it, when you will be open, and there are moments when you will not receive it because you will be closed.

So in hate you will not receive that, in love you will receive that. And you may even feel the difference — because one who loves me will start growing, one who hates me will start shrinking. Both will become so totally different that you may start thinking that I must be giving more to the one I Love, or one who loves me, and I’m not giving to one who hates me or is angry at me or is closed towards me. But I am not doing that. The clouds are there and they are showering: if your pot is not broken it will be filled. Or even if your pot is not broken, but is upside-down, then you will miss. Hate is a state of upside-downness. Then rains can go on showering but you will remain empty, because your opening is not there.

Once you are, put right side-up, that’s what love is. Love is nothing but an opening, a receptivity, a welcome, an invitation, that “I am ready; come, please.”

Love is inviting, hate is repelling. If you love me you will receive much — not because I am giving you more especially; but if you hate me you will not receive at all — not because I am not giving you, but because you are closed. But I remain myself.

I am not identified with my body, I am not identified with my mind. I have come home.

If you are identified with your body and somebody hurts your body, you will be angry; he is hurting YOU. If you are identified with your mind and somebody insults you, you will be angry, because he is hurting your mind. Once you are identified with your being nobody can hurt, because nobody has yet invented any way to hurt being.

The body can be hurt, can be killed. The mind can be hurt…but the being cannot be touched. There is no way to hurt it, there is no way to create pain. It’s VERY nature is blissfulness. You can hurt my body; simple. If I am identified with the body I will be angry because I will think you have hurt me. If you insult me then the hurt goes into the mind. If I am identified with the mind, again you are my enemy. But I am neither identified with the body nor with the mind. I am the witness. So whatsoever you do never reaches to my witnessing center. It goes on witnessing it; it remains utterly unaffected.

Once false identifications fall, you are unperturbed. Then you become the center of the cyclone, and storms can go on raging all around you, but deep inside you remain at the still, small center of your being, completely transcendental to whatsoever is happening.

I have heard….

A philosopher, a barber and a bald-headed fool were travelling together. Losing their way they were forced to sleep in the open air, and to avoid danger it was agreed to watch by turns. The first lot fell on the barber, who for amusement shaved the philosopher’s head while he was sleeping. He then awoke him, and the philosopher, raising his hand to scratch his head, exclaimed, “Here is a pretty mistake! You have awakened the old baldheaded fool instead of me.”

Your identification is the BASIC problem. If you are identified with the body, then you are going to remain in constant trouble. Because body is continuously changing, your identity will never be at a point where you can settle and relax. One day the body is young, another day it is old. One day it is healthy, another day it is ill. One day you are so radiant with youth, another day just a dilapidated structure, a ruin. Continuously, body is in a flux.

That’s why people who are identified with the body will remain constantly puzzled, confused, not knowing who they are. You are identifying with something which is not reliable. One day it is born, another day it dies. It is continuously dying and continuously changing. How can you rest with it?

If you are identified with the mind then there will be even more trouble. Because the body at least has a certain structure: it changes, but changes very slowly. You never feel the change. It changes very silently, and it takes years really, to feel a certain change happening. A child does not become a young man overnight, and a young man does not become an old man overnight. It takes years, and very slow is the change; and such minute, minor changes happen that one is never aware. But with the mind you are constantly in turmoil; every single moment there is change. One moment you are happy, another moment you are sad. One moment you were at the top of the world, feeling so fortunate, another moment you are in hell, thinking to commit suicide. How can you identify with the mind?

Being is that which remains always the same, eternally the same. It has no form so it cannot change, and it has no content so it cannot change. The being is contentless, formless. It has no name, no form — what in the East we call NAMARUPA. These two things change: the name and the form. It is neither. It is simple, sheer existence, empty of all content and all form Once you have entered this emptiness nothing can disturb you, because there is nothing to be disturbed. Nothing can hit you, because there is nobody inside to be hit.

Then if you hate me, your arrow will pass through me. It cannot strike because there is nobody. You cannot make a target of me. Whether you love me or hate me, you cannot make a target of me. So it makes no difference. And I don’t do anything, I just remain myself.”

Osho: The Beloved, Vol 2 Chapter #8 Chapter title: I’m Just Being To You Q 1 (Excerpts)

बुरा बुरे के अलावा भला भी होता है
हर आदमी में कोई दूसरा भी होता है ……………………..अनवर शऊर

burā bure ke alāva bhalā bhī hotā hai
har aadmī meñ koī dūsrā bhī hotā hai …………………..ANWAR SHUOOR

The Bad is not just bad but good as well
every person has some other imbibed in him

The combination of Raj Kapoor, Lyricist Shailendra and Music Director Shankar Jaikishan have created some magical songs. One such song is from the film “Anari” (1959). While listening to the lyrics, it has become my Resolution for 2021 or should I say — my life!

(586) Kisi Ki Muskurahaton Pe Ho Nisar | Raj Kapoor | Anari | Mukesh | Evergreen Hindi Songs HD — YouTube



Rajiv Vaishnav
Rajiv Vaishnav

Written by Rajiv Vaishnav

Startup evangelist, mentor, investor

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